Construction company and development company

  • City: Rafsanjan
  • State: Kerman


Construction company and development company Offer to invest in a construction and development company 1. 40% of the share of a business for 140,000 euros + a loan for the company development 50,000 euros. A loan is returned within 2 years. 2. 50% share of a business for 170,000 euros + a loan for the development of a company 70,000 euros. Full financial control over the company is possible. The loan is returned within 2 years. 3. 60% business share for 200.000 euros + a loan for the company development 100.000 euros. A controlling stake full of financial control and control over the development of the company. The loan is returned within 2 years. The construction and development company makes a profit; every year the company's revenue increases from 50% to 100%. The planned turnover of the company in 2019 ~ 2.5 million euros. The company in 2019 already has a contract for 1.6 million euros. Profitability - about 10% of revenue. The profitability of non-standard orders - 15% -30%. Employees - 30-40 The company also performs design work, searches for sites suitable for construction, coordinates building permits, etc. The company can fully plan the new development of the object, design and construction of the object from the foundation to the key. Currently, the company operates only in Lithuania. The goal is to expand activities and work in other EU countries by attracting investments. A reliable and wealthy foreign company offers to work in Lithuania for ~ 6 million euros, if a construction company can provide a financial guarantee of at least 500 thousand euros - these could be funds in a bank account, cash guarantees of shareholders, etc. Investors are offered an exclusive investment - to acquire a steadily growing, promising construction and development business in an amount equal to the company's annual profit, i.e. Investment can pay off within 1 year from the moment of investment. With proper management, investment and development of the company, the investment can pay off in less than 1 year. Terms of disclosure and financial data: Payment of a commission in the amount of 10,000 euros to the EUROMIG account. 70% of this fee is charged as part of the business for the sale and purchase transaction. The company is 100% suitable for the investor to apply for a residence permit in Lithuania. Possible negotiations with business owners for 70% of the business acquisition, in order to obtain a residence permit in Lithuania for two investors (according to the requirements, one investor must manage at least 1/3 of the business). Respectively Yours, Vladimir "EUROMIG" project group business consultant Tel. +370 641 83625 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) e-mail: Facebook: